The Surprising Similarities Between Acting and Writing: Tools You Can Use

Andrew Ngin
8 min readJun 3, 2023

Back in my previous life as a television writer, I had just finished writing the pilot script for a brand new local English comedy titled Under One Roof. I had stayed up till 4 am in the morning putting the finishing touches on a comedic monologue, a story that will be performed by the father character in the show. This story will eventually become a signature item in the series, as the father would summarize and end nearly every episode with a story beginning with “Long long time ago…”.

Much was riding on this first speech. Even more was riding on the performance of the actor. If the actor pulled it off, more of such stories will be written. If the actor failed, well, consider it a worthy experiment as the writer slinks off behind the curtain to work on his craft again.

I remembered turning in the script, and then heading down to the set to watch the rehearsals, and finally watching it live on stage as the actor Moses Lim performed the monologue.

Worry gnawed at my insides, but my tummy ache cleared when 3 things happened -

The actor brought the house down.

He did not change a single word.

His performance reaffirmed that my writing worked, thus earning my eternal gratitude.



Andrew Ngin

Man In The Arena . Once a lecturer. Written television, films, short stories. Older. Singaporean. Still writing. Always with love